Alan Hiserodt
Today we lost Alan. He was one of the founding members of the Nub family. Alan played a key and pivotal role in the development and performances of Alexander Inmate and many of the bands in Norman and on the label. In our early days, Alan flourished as one of the goofiest, artistic and just plan nuttiest friends I knew. We recorded all the time. He was the beginning of my audio engineering career. Teaching me what all the knobs did and how to strive for the best live sound I could get out of a band. Over the years we callobarated on hundreds of songs and never lost touch of getting together and just jamming. He was a staple in the Norman Music scene. Join me in listening to this Alexander Inmate montage of some of my favorite Alan songs that he either wrote, performed or inspired. Sure the latter years were much more produced, normal and went other places, but it was the beginning that I will always cherish the most. Raw. Stupid. Fun. Today we lost Alan. Rest In Peace my Friend. My Brother.